Control and Energy Considerations for a Hopping Monopod on Rough Compliant Terrains


Terrain compliance is a critical parameter for the performance of legged locomotion. In this work, a single actuator monopod robot hopping on rough compliant terrain is considered. Based on our controller for flat compliant terrains, this paper introduces the necessary modifications, which allow the robot to tackle the disturbance of small inclinations. Using the developed method, the robot is examined on its performance to traverse rough terrains, while maintaining the goals of reaching a desired height and forward velocity. As the increased compliance and inclination alter the energy requirements from the controller actuator, the Cost of Transport (CoT) index for a number of scenarios is studied. The correlation between terrain parameters and the CoT is presented, and useful conclusions, which can aid the understanding of the behavior of legged robots in realistic terrains are extracted.

In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Vasileios Vasilopoulos
Vasileios Vasilopoulos
Principal Software Engineer,
Tech Lead - Planning